The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1839488
Posted By: Bobert
20-Sep-06 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Hey, Oldster, I'm not the one who is insecure here... I have made the strong case and all you have done is nipped at my ankles like my grandmother's toothless and useless little flea bit hound while you absolutely refuse to accept the fact that it was Bush who gutted FEMA...

In the words of Bruce Springsteen, "Sooner or later it all comes down to money..." And Bush wouldn't spend it... He underfunded the Army Corpes of Engineers on basic maintanance on the levee system... That is a fact that you seem not willing to accept as you have challenged me to prove that had Bush funded it fully that the levees wouldn't have been breached... That is a sophmorish rebuttal and any thinking person who has been around knows that, irregardless of the differences of opinions among engineers on the subject, it impossible to prove one way or another... I could just as easily ask you to prove that had the $100M annual request been fully funded in the 2 years prior to Katrina that the levees would have been breached... See???

You are not debating wityh any level of logic when you play the "prove it" game... The fact is that Bush funded the Army Corpes of Engineers at 17% and the levees were breached by what was no greater than a Cat 3 storm when it hit NO...

Now as for FEMA... Same sophmorish arguments except you have now quit making the false statement that the Dems "demanded" that FEMA be demoted or gutted... That's a good first step for ya', Oldster, 'cause the main problem with yer arguments is that you are in serious denial of the facts...

Then when you get all flustered you play the "hate" card... How many tuimes have tyou made the statement that I hate Buash??? I've told you over and over that I don't hate Bush... I hate a ot of his policies... There is a big difference... Yet you continue to pull out this old dog and ask it to hunt.... Well, for the umpteenth time, I don't hate George Bush but I sho nuff hate the job he is doing...

What else??? Oh yeah, research... Hey, at least I'm doing it rather than dragin' editorial writer's opinions into the debate as being factual... Everything I've presented as facts are from actual "news" sources... Might of fact, in my Katrina folder there isn't one single editorial, not one single blog source... Nope, everything I've used in making my arguments is verifiable and based on the real facts...

Talk about closed mind, Old Guy??? Whew!!! You wrote the book, my friend...
