The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94824   Message #1839656
Posted By: GUEST,Bee
20-Sep-06 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
Subject: RE: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
My mother tried to explain it when I was nine, by starting with amoebae and working her way up the evolutionary ladder. She was a shy person, however and having gotten as far as frogs and fishes spawning, gave up. I'd have been terrified of swimming in the same lake as a boy, but fortunately, we were farm kids, and I knew what bulls and cows got up to - looked pretty owie to me, but at least didn't involve clouds of milt.

I'd also witnessed artificial insemination of a cow, which totally grossed out my five year old self!