The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94506   Message #1839689
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
20-Sep-06 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Monsey's (non) Kosher Chicken Crisis
Subject: RE: BS: Monsey's (non) Kosher Chicken Crisis
Some events that took place on 9/11 made believers out of people. One orthodox Jewish man who lived in the Boro Park section of Brooklyn went to work early that morning. His office wast in the World Trade Center on the 95th floor. His wife went out into the back yard to do some chores and accidentaly locked herself out of the house. She called her husband on her cell phone and asked him to come home. He replied that if she went around to the front of the house, he had a key concealed under a flower pot. However, she was not wearing her sheitel (wig) and did not have a kerchief with her. She refused to go around to the front of the house because she was afraid that someone would see her with her hair uncovered (a no no for a married Orthodox woman). She absolutely insisted that her husband close his office and come home immediately to rescue her from her predicament. He reluctantly complied and 20 minutes after he left his office the first plane hit the WTC right near his office. He would have been killed if not for the merit of his wife observing the Jewish laws of modesty. This was definitely the work of divine providence and not a mere coincidence.
                                                 SOL ZELLER