The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1839927
Posted By: Bobert
21-Sep-06 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Who sends a budget to Congress, Oldster???

Who is responsible for spending allocated budgetary funds???

Need a hint???

(Rhymes with "tush" and has been know to pass out from eatin' pretzels...)

You see, this ain't about who answers to whom in the organizational chart but who is funded and staffed to perform the job that they were initially organized to do... You have gotten yourself way bogged down in ***organizational-chart-speak*** to the point that you no longer can see there is any relationship with an organizations ability to perform with it's funding??? Tell ya' what you need to do, Oldster... Go to yer bank today and withdraw all yer dough and transfer it to me fir safe keepin'... Then I'll come an' check on you in a few months an' see how you been doing without any money... Get it now???

As for engineers... Yeah, there are engineers that say that a fully funded maintanence program wouldn't have made a difference and another group of engineers who say it would... This is not provable one way or another yet you continue to side with the ***wouldn't-have-changed-anything*** group as if they are the Holy Grail... BTW, there are also scientists who say that global warmin' ain't happenin'...

As fir my net worth??? Actually I have made no real gain since Bush came into office because health insurance has gone up over 200%... That alone has eaten up my gains and now it looks as if the real estate market is going to take a hit and that's gonna chomp away at it further... So to answer your question: No, I'm not better off with Bush but just treding water...

As fir yer friend with the millwork company??? Ask his workers if ***they*** are "better off"...
