The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94776   Message #1840097
Posted By: The Sandman
21-Sep-06 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
Subject: RE: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
ToRUSS, no you misunderstand me, how am I blaming the victim , I am not blaming anyone .Istand by my point, They did not know how much Kennedy was making so assumed he was making a lot more than he was, thats not their fault, as I said in one of my more recent posts, Kennedy should have informed them how the sales were going.and paid royalties.
he perhaps should also have explained his own expenses, then this misunderstanding and bad feeling probably would not have arisen.
finally source singers do not own the material, because its not self penned, it was perhaps learnt from a relative or a neighbour but originally was written by somebody[ who perhaps sold it in broadsheet form ],so its not their creative work.
now as i have explained before, I would have acted differently from KENNEDY, he made mistakes ,
I dont think he made a lot of money out of all this [please show me figures to prove me wrong],he was not a double dyed villain as some are trying to portray him. he did things I wouldnt have done .but i still believe with all his faults he did more good than harm.
to DAZBO NO SOURCE SINGER, HAD TO AGREE TO SINGING FOR KENNEDY,if they didnt like him they could show him the door.