The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18530   Message #184043
Posted By: Troll
24-Feb-00 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day - Feb 24
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Feb 24
Yeah, fixed price contracts are a bitch. But that could be fixed easily by adding a cost-of living (sort of) clause. The businesses have to have the truckers to operate so, in the end, they would have to go along. Those truckers who didn't put in the rider in order to get contracts would be in the fix they are in now anyhow.

I am not in favor of government bailing out businesses. I mean witness the S&L fiasco here in the States. The people who caused the problem were bailed out and the little guy paid the bills. The little guy would have suffered in any case but without government intervention at least the fat-cat bastards would have suffered too.

Sorry. This is a sore point with me.
