The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94862   Message #1840869
Posted By: John MacKenzie
22-Sep-06 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Top Gear's Richard Hammond
Subject: RE: BS: Top Gear's Richard Hammonds
Jeez what a load of po faced killjoys we do have around here, a car doing 10mph can kill somebody. You can't uninvent the motor car, and you can't stop people doing dangerous things in them
That is the kind of mentality that would have Mount Everest flattened in case somebody fell off it and got hurt.
When asked why he wanted climb Mount Everest Sir Edmund Hilary reportedly said "Because it's there", well cars are there so get over it!
Another thing to remember is the old saying about guns, 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people' You could apply the same adage to cars!