The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94862   Message #1841337
Posted By: George Papavgeris
23-Sep-06 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Top Gear's Richard Hammond
Subject: RE: BS: Top Gear's Richard Hammonds
When you buy a car, you want it to have been tested to its limits for your own safety. When you are given advice about a car, you want the same rigorous and sometimes extreme testing to have preceded it - for your own sake.

When you buy a medicine, you want it to have been tested on (volunteer) humans, for side effects.

To then turn round when things go wrong and accuse such testers or volunteers of being irresponsible seems a tad off to me. They take a calculated risk, supervised by professionals, and all for some gain that inevitably will never outweigh loss of life or permanent damage to their health or well-being.

My hat off to them.