The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94734   Message #1841469
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
23-Sep-06 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: MarketRasenFolkClub Friday Sep 22nd 06
Subject: RE: MarketRasenFolkClub Friday Sep 22nd 06
Here it is the greatest and most illiterate review of the smashing gig we had the pleasure of being a part of last night.
First of all were The Twanglers minus Kiwi Di.
Di had been to Leicester for a hospital appointment and the foul weather conditions and car problems made her so late returning to Grimsby that it was not possible for her to play.
This was a shame as she has put in a lot of work and overcome some very painful medical problems.
She provides us with harmonies both vocal and instrumental that really do enhance the sound of our latest set.
I thought Jen was a real brick filling in some of the gaps left by Di and we both really appreciated the support of the audience and the other performers.

Nette and Karl.
These two performers provided a mixed set some of which I was familiar with "Blowing in the wind" being one of those songs that transport us back to the time when folk/protest songs were being hyped up to really mean something in the real world.
Some of it was new to me and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing those too.
I think Nette has a gorgeous voice and I would love to here more of it in the future please.
Not gonna mention that here was yet another very good guitar player because all the guitar players I ever hear are better than me! (SULK)

Andrew Tiffany.
I could listen to this guy all night when is he doing a spotlight Les?
He is a real find for the MRFC and really I cant go through his set one by one because I would just be repeating myself.
Well-chosen, well-played, well sung, well interpreted.
Bloody well done.

Dave and Julie Evardson.

One of the best songwriters around, certainly in this area and with a real "folky" feel to the materiel they perform.
I love the songs the playing and the singing.
Most of all I love the easy and inclusive (of the audience) way that these two take you along with them on whatever journey they choose to make.
It is like being on a guided tour of, a pub/brothel. Or a rope works or a ship in storm
They are great .


The spotlight guests.

These ladies are my heroes,
I have had the pleasure of attending their practice sessions and seeing all the hard work that goes to make their performance.
They are so talented it makes you sick, or it would if they were not such a lovely and self-effacing bunch of loonies.
Helen writes so many lovely songs and tunes, and Sharon is no slouch at that either!
(I think Mello Cello Chick is the cutest! Because she is so strict LOL)
Jaqui is a very talented multi instrumentalist and always has something nice and positive to say when some of us have played and died on our arses.
They have a gentle humour as befits a ladies group.(No really, stop laughing!)
They can put over Bawdy, heartbreaking, jokey, serious, jiggy and beautiful songs and lyrics.
They can play tunes in any mood you might want and they are all seriously good musicians.
I really enjoyed the set ladies and look forward to hearing you again asap.

The MC.
He he he he he he he he he.
You made that look so easy Helen!
You are gonna be hard to follow.
(Well after they get the stains of the floor anyway)
I thought you were brilliant really.
It is not as easy as people may think
I know I was bricking it when I had a go. and you made a much better than me.

Terry and Gwenda
Thanks to these two we had another sound evenings entertainment.(Groan sorry!)
They did a great job and they put in more hours per Evening than any one else.
They are on duty the whole time we are playing or listening.
Their break time is taken up with sound checks and then there is the set up time and the take down time.
Thank you guys.

Now looking forward to the next time…………..