The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94601   Message #1841625
Posted By: DeeRod
23-Sep-06 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: Margaret Barry
Subject: RE: Margaret Barry
During the Smithsonian Folklife festival which Margaret Barry attended
she was trying to cool herself in the administrative tent when a entourage of suits came through and flash bulbs (remember them?) were going off. The governor of the featured state, Kentucky, Wendell Ford later senator, was touring.                              
Margaret, being the shy creature she was, walked up to Ford, poked her finger in his chest and demanded "Who the hell are you that anyone should be wantin your picture?
I'M the Governor"
"The governor of what?"
"The governor of Kentucky"
"Well, what the hell is that?"

Of course they conclude having their picture taken together and Margaret reaches in to this huge satchel she called a purse and produces he picture taken with the Lord Mayor of Dublin.
"Now top that will ya" she says to Ford
    Written by an eye witness