The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94950   Message #1842138
Posted By: Alan Day
24-Sep-06 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Should Folk Music be Recorded
Subject: RE: Should Folk Music be Recorded
After trying to compile a 3CD set of English Concertina System players as a follow up to the Anglo collection, I would strongly agree with this subject.There are many fantastic players that due to the fact that they do not make a record or a CD their music and playing has been lost forever.Most of these old players and singers are taken for granted,their special style,their own tunes gone when they go.The recordings we are left with are mostly dreadful,with people coughing,dropping things,talking through the performance,dogs barking,children screaming and recorded nowhere near the performer.
At most festivals and Folk clubs the evening ,or performance is not recorded,a fantastic performance gone and the artist twenty years later forgotten.We progress as musicians by hearing what has been done on the instrument before and then try to take the instrument further.That is progression.
I have been extremely lucky as a number of archive collections have been donated to me for use on these projects and after hours of listening I have at least a representative collection of playing over the last 60 years.
Thanks ,I feel better now