The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94776   Message #1842140
Posted By: Folkiedave
24-Sep-06 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
Subject: RE: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
I have been re-reading this thread anticpating the return of some of the contributors from the Frank Harte Festival. I came across this gem.........

Subject: RE: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
From: Fred McCormick - PM
Date: 21 Sep 06 - 05:26 AM

A few years ago, there was a long discussion on the IRTRAD_L message board about Kenedy and copyright. Most of what I said here, I said there also. Ditto for Jim Carroll. We were not alone in condemning Kennedy.

Neither of us can be accused of waiting until Kennedy was dead before laying accusations. Neither are we the only ones. Rod Stradling commented on Kennedy's methods while Kennedy was alive. So did Karl Dallas. Doubtless, there are others.

Therefore once again Fred can I point out that he seems not to be the litigant that people made him out to be? Did you receive writs? Did you take him on?

Incidentally, I forgot to add the question of dubbed accompaniment to my list of facts, but that is a terrible thing to do to anybody.

I agree.

I also forgot to mention Kennedy's ineffectiveness when it came to collecting royalties on other people's behalf. When he attempted to extract payment from the Campbells for their performance of The Nightingale, they told him it wasn't the Cantwell's version they were singing. End of story. Did Kennedy tell people there would be no chance of proving ownership in a court dispute, and that therefore, these "agreements" were fit only for wiping people's arses with ? I hardly think so.

No Fred I think that he probably said that since The Campbells were in denial the chances of winning what could have been a very expensive court case would be by no means certain and their money would be better spent elsewhere.

And what would your advice to the Cantwell´s have been Fred? Hire a lawyer and sue? I´ll lend you the money and you can pay me back when you win? As you say Fred, "I hardly think so".