The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94956   Message #1842829
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
25-Sep-06 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can I mention The Ryder Cup?
Subject: RE: BS: Can I mention The Ryder Cup?
Sorry Ard and Mick - my misplaced sense of humour got the better of me! I did watch it and enjoyed it enormously (including Tiger's Iron-in-th-water!). It's true I'm not normally a golf fan, but I found this match rivetting - maybe it was the fact that they weren't playing just for a huge wad of money and personal glory, but for their team.

I especially enjoyed the po-faces of one or two of the US team when they were getting whupped. The Sky coverage kept showing us one in particular (I forget his name - Furyk or some-such??) who looked as though he'd lost a tenner and found a quid! Bottom lip right out and quivering! Magic! :-)

And how good to see players from several different European nations playing as mates, with real team-spirit. And, of course, The big lump-in-throat moment for Darren Clark - what a guy, and what a hero.

But yes, Mick, unlike its pale cousin, Baseball, Cricket is a great and complicated game, which requires strength, stamina, extreme courage and supreme co-ordination to play, and in which the batsman faces (usually!) far more than just two balls, and actually hits the ball in a chosen direction rather than just a wild swing anywhere. And the players have to learn to catch the ball bare-handed, without that big dopey glove! (Maybe that's why you US guys don't seem to understand it - too complicated?). AND we also get to ACTUALLY PLAY against people from other countries in the Tests, ODS's and World Cup - we don't just pretend it's a 'world series' when no-one but our own country is involved! :-) :-) LOL! You should take time to watch a few games - I guarantee that, if you do it with good heart and an open mind, you'll get hooked! :-)

End of lecture! :-)
