The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1842897
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
25-Sep-06 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
"If I was making Glade air fresheners, they'd come in Dairy Barn or Corn Fields. The best though would be Burning Leaves. Man!, I'd buy a whole case of Burning Leaves air fresheners. That would really take me back to the Forties. I loved the smell of burning leaves in the Fall. It made the work of raking the lawn worth it. Nobody in their right mind would burn leaves during the day. At least, no kid in his right mind. Burning leaves smell better at night. There was an early Fall ritual in our neighborhood, all centered around the curb. After you'd jumped in the leaf pile until you were silly, or made leaf houses out of them by laying out imginary rooms on the lawn, you'd rake the leaves out into the street by the curb and wait for dark. Curbs in small towns served the same purpose as front stoops in big cities. That's where we'd gather in the evening to sit and swap tale tales or play "Truth or Consequnces" or "I Packed My Mother's Suitcase." But in the Fall, those games were temporarily set aside for the ritual offering of burning leaves. When you came in the house to go to bed, you knew that life didn't get any better than this. Every pore of your body smelled of burning leaves. Nobody would be dumb enough to take a bath right after burning leaves. There's nothing as good as drifting off to sleep smelling like leaf smoke."
