The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94776   Message #1843663
Posted By: Folkiedave
26-Sep-06 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
Subject: RE: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
"The copyright and intellectual property right of everything appearing in this magazine remains with the person who wrote it.
Nothing may be reproduced without prior written permission of the author, and the citation of MT as the source."

Copy appearing in Mustrad is subject to the same rules of protocol and laws of copyright as those which cover any other form of published media. Dave Eyre should have asked my permission before posting my letter on Mudcat.

Fred is quite right. I therefore humbly apologise for taking his writing and publishing it without his permission.

There are two points here.

1. Since the letter published on Mustrad is to my mind anyway a plea to discover the perpetrator of a fraudulent piece of writing I am surprised that Fred wishes it to remain on Mustrad and not to be widely disseminated. I would quote the relevant portion of the piece but I daren´t for fear of breaching copyright.

But that it his choice and I am sorry I misunderstood his motives.

2. Since this thread was started by a "cut and paste job" from the pages of Mustrad then I cannot understand why Fred (clearly precious about the copyright issue and things being taken from Mustrad and posted on Mudcat) was not quick to condemn it, as quickly as he did my "cut and paste job". In fact he hasn´t yet condemned it at all. I really do fail to understand the thinking. Does me a favour Fred and explain.

On the score of litigation, so far as I can recall nobody has ever accused Peter Kennedy of suing people.

Well Fred I would love to point out where it says this on Mustrad but I daren´t for fear of interfering with Mustrad´s copyright.

Would you be kind enough to go to the current edition of your own magazine and post it on here for I cannot do so? Try point 13 in Peter Kennedy: An appraisal.

There are one or two mistakes in Rod's script, which I'll point out to him when he comes back. Otherwise, I stand by what he said. But Dave Eyre should have recognised that Rod is the author of that piece, and his comments are his responsibility.

That´s good Fred, that you stand by what Rod said. The problem is that he didn´t say it.

For what Rod published and I assume you accept that there is a difference between publishing and writing, is at least in part what other people have written. We know this because he says so. It is anonymous and it is allegations. We know this because there are no names attached and the derogatory comments are prefaced "It is alleged that:"

Now Mustrad is in the business of publishing anonymous allegations and asking for concrete evidence to back some of them up or it isn´t. Why not tell us Fred?

And Fred, why hide behind the pages of your own magazine?

Try a rejoinder on here.

Dave Eyre