The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95014   Message #1844527
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Sep-06 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
Subject: RE: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
What do the conditions in Venezuela, Cuban, Mexican, Chinese, Turkish, Iranian, Uruguayan, Guatemalan, Costa Rican, Panamanian or Salvadorian jails have to do with the decline and fall of democracy in your OWN nation, Old Guy? Not too much...unless you consider it a sort of collateral damage of some kind.

You're ignoring the holes in your own boat while yelling..."Look! The Venezuelan boat is sinking!"

You might make a great dictator, Saddam-style, if ever given the chance. Just keep pointing the finger at someone else in a foreign land and deny all accountability at home.

How come the only places that have jails you complain about happen to be places on Bush's "enemies" list? There are plenty of American allies you could complain about too, in a similar fashion. Why don't you? Are you Blind in one eye?

Look, my friend, I am very, very, very glad I live in Canada where the jails are not so vicious as in America's enemies and many of America's political/economic satellites. I'm just lucky, that's all. So are you...but your luck is running out like sand out of an hourglass as the New World Order eviscerates your Constitution and your democracy.

Am I a pacifist? Sort of....but not necessarily. It depends on the situation. I'll fight when I'm attacked, depend upon that. I have not been attacked.

I'll tell you who has been attacked. Iraq. That's why they keep killing your soldiers over there, and they won't stop until your soldiers leave. YOU guys were the aggressors in 2003, not them. Your government is a lying, corrupt, corporate-bought institution that has lost its mind, and it's taking you straight down the road to a dictatorship and a possible world war.