The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94991   Message #1844698
Posted By: Charley Noble
27-Sep-06 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: Charley Noble to UK in October 2006
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to UK in October 2006

Wish I'd known about Rick Spencer and David Littlefield (old friends from Mystic) singing in Swansea before. They are fine traditional nautical singers and also good songwriters.

We, however, already have reservations for a lovely room in a great pile of rock blocks near Brecon in the Southeast corner of Wales.

Maybe you folks in Swansea can persuade Rick and David to stay over for the weekend!


Jan and Ken kindly forwarded me your e-mail so everything seems to be working great in terms of communications. We do need to check and see whether Two Black Sheep and a Stallion are actually going to occupy their cottage just west of Preston that weekend and whether they are staying an extra day or two. Monday or Tuesday is still unplanned but Wednesday we need to be back in London to meet with our niece. And Thursday we fly home.

Anyone else planning to come to Cecil Sharp House on October 3rd?

Charley Noble