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Thread #95014   Message #1845703
Posted By: GUEST
29-Sep-06 - 02:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
Subject: RE: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
Brits have no understanding of this situation. They've been neutered. Allowed themselves to be ruled over by a "monarch" for a thousand years or so. They don't understand representative govt. Their queen allows them the facade of a parliamentary process, but she owns all the land in her "domain." Even Canada is one of her "dominions," yet Canadians labor away under the same delusion the other Brits do...that those crowns everywhere are just for decoration. The queen owns all your land and all of you Brits and Brit-lites, so no advice on how the U.S. should run its representative govt, please.

Anyway, it's appearing that the U.S. is coming closer and closer to having a monarch of its own. If the president can disappear you for any reason, then the US is just like England. But Bush's supposed "powers" are a moot point. The U.S. Supreme court settled this in 1803.

" act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void." Marbury vs. Madison. That ruling is as clear as words can make it. The U.S. has a written constitution, and the first 10 amendments outline the rights we're born with and which govt cannot take away. This latest torture bill proposes to take those rights, so the bill is void. Now for the rub. What if some Nazis try to enforce this voided bill as if it IS law. That's where the guns come in. Buy them, buy ammo, practice, and sleep well. We have the right to own guns in order to protect us from abusive govt. Sorry you fellow Americans may have to stand up and defend yourselves when you were looking forward to endless reruns of Gilligan's Island, but that's the way it goes. I mean, do you want to end up like the Brits? Or the Canadians? Utter slaves. Or the Mexicans? Those countries are full of people who don't have any CONCEPT of a Bill of Rights, and if we let the Bill of Rights go, then this planet is in for a long, long period of darkness. Buy guns.