The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95046   Message #1845834
Posted By: Paul Burke
29-Sep-06 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting (hunting) and jobs in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting (hunting) and jobs in the UK
Do you make up the stuff for Pseud's Corner in Private Eye? :)

You are right on the level that all meat eating, use of leather or bone or horn etc, involves killing animals. But I'm saying there's a huge difference between killing because you have to, and killing for the sake of enjoying it. Meat in this country is an unhealthy mess, and people ought to connect more with the processes by which it is produced. I suspect that there'd be a lot more veggies around if they did, even if only because humanely produced meat would be a LOT more expensive. But I can't see hunting non- meat animals or shooting birds as helping.