The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1845935
Posted By: Rapparee
29-Sep-06 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Well, the tinnitus is stopped or considerably lessened in the right ear. I hope it leaves the left soon, for I'm off to the Grand Teton National Park this weekend and I'd like to hear the Fall birds.

One result of all this is that we're bringing in the University audiology students to the library to do free hearing screening on people 12 and under and 60 and over. The folks at the U were thrilled with the idea of getting practice (under observation) and helping the community at the same time. We're looking at Fall and Winter screenings.

The other thing is that we're going to be working with the U's pharmacology program to inform Senior Citizens about drugs, drug interactions, adverse effects, etc. This is part of a new effort on our part to act as an information center for Seniors -- we don't have to know anything except where to point people to get help.

Might as well turn a personal problem into good for the community. Won't help to carry on and scream and yell about it anyway.