The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94776   Message #1845995
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
29-Sep-06 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
Subject: RE: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
I know that $$ is always a concern.   The Lomax collection was operating on a shoestring budget. As part of my "day job", I did some work for the Paul Robeson Archives by digitizing older films and videotape. I know that private organizations like these are seeking grant money, and that money can be found - but it is a slow process. Even the Smithsonian cannot afford to digitize everything at once, they are doing it in steps.   The important thing is that steps are being taken to preserve. Steps are also improving on allowing more access.

Joaniecrumpet's mention of the Museum of Moving Images reminds me about how many silent films have simply been lost to the ravages of time.   At one point in my career I worked for CBS and one day I was in their massive library and saw the librarians pulling old tape to be thrown out or reused.   Our heritage is rapidly being lost.

Whether the collection winds up in private hands or in another country, lets just hope that it is preserved and others will have access.