The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95096   Message #1846951
Posted By: Bill D
30-Sep-06 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
                                    Arthur C. Clarke

too bad the Mayas didn't have Clarke to explain the implications.

So far, our knowledge of physics doesn't tell us HOW it would be possible for other beings to traverse interstellar distances, or, given the odds, how they might stumble on us. Therefore, when I see reports of 'interesting' sightings, Occam's Razor tells me that a betting man would be safer to put his money on 1)optical illusions, 2) fakes, 3)Something built by US, but being kept secret, 4) real objects, but mistaken IDs, like space debris from satellites....etc...

#3 seems to be a real possibility for a few of the sightings, given all the tests and projects we have spent billions on for 50 years.

It is 'possible' that aliens who would rather not be seen are out there? Yeah, I guess so, if you force me to admit that it is 'possible' that there is relevant physics that we simply don't understand yet. But 'possible' doesn't make me willing to bet that way.