The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94776   Message #1847214
Posted By: Folkiedave
30-Sep-06 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
Subject: RE: Reflections/Criticism of Peter Kennedy
Incidentally I receieved an email from someone calling themselves Sean Gallagher with a Yahoo email address.

Dear Dave,

I've read your messages in the Kennedy thread on Mudcat and it's clear to me that you're up to something.

Are you actually seeking a broker for Kennedy's sound recordings in the US?

This is what I replied.

1. Sean,

No, I prefer them to remain in the UK. All I can promise you is that I will reveal all when it is appropriate.

But than you for opening up al ine of communication. Tell me more.

Best regards,

Dave Eyre


You will forgive me for writing again I am currently in Spain where I have a house ,and I may have given a wrong impression last night. This was entirely due to the fact it is Fiesta time in my "barrio" and I had drink taken!!

I have no control over what we might call the "Kennedy Archive" and I ferevently wish it to remain in the British Isles.

I would like to hear who you are etc. so again thanks for writing. Would you be kind enough to reveal your own interest in the matter?

Now would the real Sean Gallagher like to step forward and confirm that is exactly as I replied?

Dave Eyre