The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1847302
Posted By: Bill D
30-Sep-06 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
I shouldn't do this, but every now & then a slightly different point strike me.

"ยท... stop all this macho nonsense and be seen to treat all posters equally..."

But, they're NOT all equal. They start equal; that is, with equal privileges- just like citizens of a country. Then, if they do things that violate the standards (rules, laws, etc.), they 'may' be be treated as special cases and have some of those privileges restricted or revoked.

In a country or state, even if they don't break rules, they are not always treated 'equally', nor should they be...people with handicaps or special problems should receive extra help and understanding...etc.

This 'equality' thing is kinda of a slippery concept, Roger, and I have hinted at the point before. You post stuff that wears on the members & administrators alike, until you get someone to take a poke at you, then complain about the poke!
Equal treatment? You know my standard have even borrowed it...PIFFLE! If your posts go beyond general standards, your treatment "will not be seen to be equal".

Yep, I know, I have wasted my time, and I don't expect you to suddenly see the light...but, gee....I like seeing my brilliant analyses in print!