The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95128   Message #1847354
Posted By: Folkiedave
01-Oct-06 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: Review: Kennedy Collections
Subject: Kennedy Collection
I felt the thread entitled Reflections/Criticisms of Peter Kennedy here was getting away from the point so I have started a new one under this title.

I ask a couple of things. Add your name. After someone under the name of Sean Gallagher tried to trick me into saying something I am a little wary of anonymous posters. He failed by the way.

Read what has been written. My views on Peter Kennedy are set out quite clearly in the above thread, please so donĀ“t ask me them again.

Halsway Manor Society believe they are the rightful owners of the Peter Kennedy Collection for want of a better name. Peter gifted his collection by Deed of Trust to them. What that collection consists of I do not know - but it will almost certainly consist of the sound tapes, field notes, films and photographs and books. Whether the claim is to be contested I also do not know. This is public knowledge, and was written in a widely circulated email published by the South East Arts Folk Network dated I think 22-09-06

That same bulletin contained my name and since what they wrote could have been open to mis-interpretation I asked them to publish an equally widely circulating email correcting what they had written. This they were glad to do so. So if you get a copy of the first email bear in mind there is a second one.

Ask away.

Dave Eyre