The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94991   Message #1847556
Posted By: Charley Noble
01-Oct-06 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: Charley Noble to UK in October 2006
Subject: RE: Charley Noble to UK in October 2006
Well, we're still packing (and re-packing) and printing out various things that we might want to take with us.

Countess Richard and Micca are kindly contacting a few folks with regard to our night at Cecil Sharp House October 3rd.

Andrew and Carole just sent us detailed instructions on how to find their home on the Gower Peninsula, out beyond Swansea. There should be some good singing there that weekend (October 7-8).

Then a dozen or so folks will be converging on the Lardner home (Chantey Cabin) in Preston, north of Liverpool, for some more singing the weekend of October 14-15.

If you have a favorite spot to mention in Wales that you think we'd like to see, now is a better time to mention it than after we've returned to the States.

Charley Noble and JudyB