The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95125   Message #1848158
Posted By: Rapparee
02-Oct-06 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: A short way with trolls
Subject: RE: BS: A short way with trolls
Nonsense! Take old cheese (preferably Limburger or some other stinky type), the older the better, and thoroughly squeeze it into and through raw liver (beef, pork, sheep, whatever -- it doesn't matter as long as it's fairly fresh and nicely bloody). When you've worked the cheese it, add a bit of flour to firm it all up somewhat and put it somewhere to age (the best place is under your brother's bed). When the odor is such that your mother opens all the windows and complains about your dead socks, the catfish bait is ready. Mix in a little more flour if you must, and mold treble hoooks into the middle of it.

Fish it on the bottom. Guarenteed to take Big Blues and Muds.