The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95191   Message #1849195
Posted By: Mr Fox
03-Oct-06 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
Subject: RE: BS: Enemies of the Earth that need to go
Jeremy Clarkson: - "I don't curse speed cameras because of civil liberty issues. I curse them because they slow me down."......."speeding is no big deal"

And his acolyte, Hammond: - "Jeremy should be made Mayor so he can roar around London in a Lamborghini with a mayoral flagpole, shooting cyclists."........"Of course, in France speeding is endemic and this means they have a far, far higher death rate than we do. But let's be frank here. You can't really judge a country by the number of people who don't die in car accidents"