The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95161   Message #1849748
Posted By: Greg F.
03-Oct-06 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: Mr Bush's international influence
Subject: RE: Mr Bush's international influence
You could see that my comments were directed to my British and Canadian friends

No, Mick- your comments were directed at me. By name. Your mistake.
Now YOU are calling ME cocky? Suggest you re-read your post.

Where we are is a bunch of folks, like you I would guess sold out the ideals in order to take the soup.

Sorry, "Ace", but you guess wrong. As you did when you guessed I was
Britsh. [NB: British, not a "Brit", Paddy]

Those words, to you, are just rhetoric.

Another guess, and, once again, wrong. You don't know jack about me, "Ace", & you might as well admit it.

I believe we are in the opening stages of a revolution now...

Time will tell, "Ace", time will tell. I hope you're not equating a Democrat victory at the polls with a "revolution"- that would indeed be naive. Just because they are a bit less crooked and venal abd a bit more progressive than the Republicans that hardly constitutes a "revolution".

)Plus, a little less guessing & your bombast might come across a bit less overbearingly self-satisfied & smug.

So you may kiss my ass as well.

All best, Greg