The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95014   Message #1849836
Posted By: fumblefingers
04-Oct-06 - 02:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
Subject: RE: BS: Something Bad is about to Happen
This is definitely an anti-Bush group here, for the most part, so I'll tread lightly. That Bush is a decent man as compared to Bill Clinton seems to be the reason he is so hated.

What "Something Bad is about to happen" is going to originate in Iran. While y'all are wringing your hands because the government is trying to keep the Islamic killers from cutting off your heads, is that those who believe in Islam are coming. They've made it plain: convert to Islam or die. You can get a good deal on a prayer rug if you buy one tomorrow. If Iran gets the a-bomb and a way of delivering it; all your fears about capital punishment, wire-tapping of al Qaeda agents in the US and mistreating those poor murderers in Guantanamo will be for naught.

They are counting on our soft society and the ignorance of our people to ease their way. We don't take them seriously. We are gullible. We're worried that those we have captured aren't getting the same rights as a guy who stuck up a liquor store. We're about sending messages and holding the moral high ground, while they could give a rat's ass about such trivialities. You'd better wake up before it's too late.