The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95180   Message #1850085
Posted By: GUEST,punkfolkrocker
04-Oct-06 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Eddie Cochran's Birthday
Subject: RE: Eddie Cochran's Birthday
for direct influences on my playing and band activities

Eddie and Chuck..

for personal listening pleasure at an emotional level
above and beyond
the visceral thrill of rock'n'roll


Elvis however, was a laughing stock..

[despite the legendary early Sun records which we still loved
and gave full credit to..]

even Cliff Richard had more credibility than Elvis
to us UK punkrock adolescents in the late 70's..

we weren't too sympathetic when hearing on the news
of the 'comical' tragic way he was found dead..

The problem with Elvis is its not easy for a casual listener to find any good later recordings
amidst all the dross and stodge
in over his stuffed, over marketed back catalogue..

..and being held up as a extreme fan worship show biz deity
and corporate plunder milk-cow
never helped his reputation or accessability
for younger more discering listeners...

BTW.. Eddie at such a young age was also a much in demand session guitarist
and inovative multi-track record producer..