The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95167   Message #1850311
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Oct-06 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Amish shooting When is it going to end?
Subject: RE: BS: Amish shooting When is it going to end?
Well, one would have to believe strongly in there being a "God's plan" in the first place to understand it, wouldn't one, Wolfgang? I don't exactly know what I would say about that... However, if it allows a bereaved person to attain some measure of peace after such a tragedy, is that bad?

I can't understand why people would commit murders before/with suicide either....but I suppose because they have a very sore grievance of some kind raging around inside their heads. They feel that someone did them wrong, and they want to get even.

It's very bad judgement on their part, because no number of wrongs added up together will ever make a right.