The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95167   Message #1850596
04-Oct-06 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Amish shooting When is it going to end?
Subject: RE: BS: Amish shooting When is it going to end?
In answer to the most commonly asked question "Why?" recent news reports have uncovered his motives for this senseless act of violence and the taking of so many innocent lives. There were mental issues for him to contend with, he had hidden a sickening secret for many years (this being that he had perpetrated sexual abuse on 2 or more minors in his family some 20+ years ago) and he wanted to do it again, targeting a self-contained community that had little need to protect itself. No amount of gun control or legislation could have prevented this unfortunately, which is even sadder. My opinion (and that is all it is, my OPINION) is that there is no place in ANY society for any form of firearm, the police can be equally as effective with a tazer. The colt .45 or beretta that you keep under your pillow or in your nightstand is a weapon of mass destruction, more people die from bullet wounds than from missile attacks. Just remember this: Guns don't kill people, bullets don't kill people........ PEOPLE kill people.