The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18325   Message #185103
Posted By: Amos
25-Feb-00 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help: Lost my sense of humour *BG*
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Lost my sense of humour *BG*
This ventriloquist needing some practice drives up into the hills onto reservation land and sees a weathered old Indian sitting on his porch, minding his own business, watching his sheep graze. The ventriloquist stops and walks over, saying "Hey, Chief...this your dog?". "Yes, my dog!" "Didja know yer dog could talk?" "Dog does not talk!".

So the ventriloquist throws his voice and the dogs says, "My master kicks me and doesn't feed me enough!". The chief is startled, but says nothing..
"Well chief," says the insensitive ventriloquist, "Is that your horse?" "Yes, my horse!" "Didja know your horse could talk?" "Horse NOT talk!'..

So the ventriloquist throws his voice and the horse says, "My master rides me hard, and puts me up wet...". The chief is startled. Mutters under his breath..

Then the ventriloquist, who is on a roll, says, "Hey, Chief...those your sheep over there?"..

The chief stands up and says, "SHEEP LIE!!!!"...