The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1852009
Posted By: Paul from Hull
06-Oct-06 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
Hmmm I dunno, are you a Troll, 'Widder's Son', or are you 'on the square'?

I don't know much about the Masons, or the 'good works' versus 'stupid bunkum' stuff, but I HOPE the days of Criminals in the Dock making secret signs to the Judge, are all over. (Have to say, its difficult to think of them without inwardly giggling now, since that Simpsons episode about the 'Stonecutters'....)

Whatever happened to 'The Grand Order of Water Buffaloes'?

(yep, they did exist, & there was a cartoon piss-take of them too, on the Flintstones...who remembers THAT episode?)