The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95304   Message #1852278
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
06-Oct-06 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jack Straw and 'The Veil' controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Jack Straw and 'The Veil' controversy
Hyped up nonsense, being seized upon by people with agendas to bang-on about.

I think it's a question of good manners on both sides - the polite thing to do is make clear your own preferance, but to defer to the wishes of the other party. Which is evidently what Jack Straw does. Whjat's there to fuss about?

Wearing a full veil is purely a cultural thing, like wearing a kilt is, there is no kind of religious requirement involved.

But stuff about "it could be a man under there, with a bomb strapped round his waist" is nonsense too. Suicide bombers can after all come in either sex, and are probably a great deal more likely to wear western clothing.