The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1852376
Posted By: BuckMulligan
06-Oct-06 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
There is - or was, I'm a bit out of touch - an organization known as "Prince Hall masonry" (named after a man named Prince Hall, I think) which served black members. I have no idea whether there was a formal affiliation with either of the "official" rites (York and Scottish) and/or AF&AM. When I had anything to do with Masons (the 60s) they were not integrated. The "affiliate" organizations like OES and DeMolay and Rainbow Girls claim not to be "junior masonic organizations" but the fact that in order to organize a chapter of DeMolay you need an advisory board of adults ("Dads") who MUST be masons (when I was Master Councillor of my chapter, my own Dad, who had been a DeMolay but was not a mason, was not allowed on the advisory council) pretty much gives the lie to that claim of "non-junior mason" status.