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Thread #95280   Message #1852467
Posted By: GUEST
06-Oct-06 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
The power of Freemasonry lies in its ability to neutralize good people who might otherwise become opponents. 99.9% of masons think they're just part of a do-good group, and in exchange for their efforts they're given a little leg-up here and there as they go through life. Honestly, that's how they view it. And they do indeed DO good deeds. Charity and so on.

But then there's that .1%. I mean...basics. How many degrees in a circle? 360. How many degrees in masonry? 33? Come on. That's just the first slice of the pie. 12 wedges of pie, to mock the 12 Disciples of Christ. Lots of numerology in masonry. And it all stems from the twin pillars of the Temple of Solomon. Two pillars, like an 11 in appearance. Like the twin towers in NYC. Those things were built to be destroyed in a blood sacrifice. A giant eleven looming over the NYC skyline for decades. So sick.

Anyway, 999 out of 1000 masons just live out their lives doing 'good deeds,' but that 1 out of a thousand advances upward degree by degree. Last I read, King Juan Carlos of Spain was at 246, but that was a couple of years ago. The final degree is "The Architect," Lucifer. The goal of Luciferianism and masonry is to get closer to Lucifer.

And you don't need to believe in the mystical aspects of masonry to acknowledge the existence of those aspects. OTHER people believe in them, and that's the important thing. Go through one of GWBush's speeches about war and search for the word "sacrifice." He uses it a lot. He's a Luciferian, probably a mason, and all his killing is done as a sacrifice to Lucifer. And he didn't invent the practice. Look at the war memorials all over the western world...the word "sacrifice" carved in stone for us over and over and over. Rubbing our faces in it down through the generations. And the politicians' talk about "responsibility,"...that's a masonic thing. The upper level masons aren't talking about taking responsibility in the "sober, well-behaved citizen" sense of the word, they're acknowledging their evil deeds. It's kind of like the way American Indians used to go into battle to count coup. They'd get close to an enemy and just touch him, then later they'd tally up how many they COULD have killed. That's what Bush and Blair mean when they're talking about "responsibility." They're committing blood sacrifices and atrocities left and right, then they ADMIT they are "sacrificing" humans while they talk about "taking responsibility". Blatant admissions of supreme wickedness, spoken straight into camera. But by now we've been so immersed in masonry and Luciferianism that we don't even twitch now when they hit us over the head with it. And that freakin' pyramid on the dollar bill...

Harry Truman was a "33rd degree" mason. 33 is just the point at which the public loses sight of your masonic career. No telling what rank he really achieved. All I know is he could've bombed any two points in Japan...military or civilian...but he chose two civilian targets, and they just happened to be the cities with the largest Christian populations. Lucifer hates Christians.