The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1852473
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Oct-06 - 11:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
I figured you'd be here, "Guest". Interesting stuff. I have a question for you. Are you doing much reading these days at (site run by Alex Jones in Texas)?

I'm asking this with no ulterior motive. I'd just like to know if you're familiar with that site and if so, what you think of it?

I am also of the opinion that most masons are harmless and well-intentioned people, but the few at the top are anything but harmless...and they are among the richest and most powerful people on this planet.

If the people at the top in the present administration hate Christians, as you say, would it not be tremendously ironical that they are encouraging and using the most primitive forms of reactionary Christianity to strengthen and secure their position of power?

It wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing has been done, would it? You use some of the sheep (those most easily controlled and manipulated) to imprison and kill the other sheep for you.

Or as Boss Tweed said in the movie "Gangs of New York"..."You can always use one half of the poor to kill the other half for you."