The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1852978
Posted By: Alan Day
07-Oct-06 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
I have been over forty years a mason,during that time I have never been given a favour or seen one given.My son does more business transactions in his pub than I have seen in lodges.I enjoy the tradition in the same way that I enjoy Folk Tradition.A great deal of money is raised for charity many Hospices relying on Freemasons support.Part of the ritual is that if you meet a Brother Mason in a distressed situation you try to help.I know Masons who are in Grand Lodge, there is nothing sinister connected to their work,they work for no financial gain and are involved with raising money for charities and it's distribution.
In the Temple Headquarters is Nelson's Regalia a hero for this country there are many other names who have shaped our lives.
I admit that in every organisation there can be bad blood,this cannot be denied,but they are rare in amongst the thousands Worldwide who are members.The good work that is done by Masons is now being published and the reason is that so many people are totaly ignorant of what Masonary is about.These people make statements which are totally untrue backed by no evidence,think it is a good game to have a go at Masonary.If you wish to know a bit more about Masonary there are people who will give you the information.