The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1853108
Posted By: GUEST
07-Oct-06 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
Howdy Little Hawk,

Yeah, I look at the headlines and read here and there on the site. I think Jones has indeed figured things out, as far as things are knowable, when it comes to geopolitics. He knows who runs things and who benefits from phony terrorism, etc. And I imagine I credit the masons with more of the world's problems than he probably would. But, the masons were the first (and are the longest-lasting) "guild" or union...many centuries to solidify their power. They're up there with the Jesuits and the European roalty bloc when it comes to running the world. And none of those groups means ME any good, I know that.

As far as powerful and destructive groups, it seems all the groups in the U.S. that could be a potential threat to the govt have now been co-opted. Witness the federal govt itself. In order to begin the transformation to fascism, the top two positions were first secured (Pres / Vice-Pres). Then the legislative and judiciary were gradually taken over through thuggery and greed. That's the way it has gone with almost all groups in America...just nail down the top position then move on to the next group. The National Rifle Association has millions of members (dedicated to gun rights), but the man at the top is dedicated to taking away the group's guns. And the members refuse to face the fact. Incredible. Same with churches, education...pick an area of life. The heads of the groups are corrupt. Easiest and quickest way to get control of the group is to get the leader under your control.

Anyway...Christianity. Bush isn't Christian. Look at Mark Foley...head of all those "child protection" programs and committees when he's a pedophile. All of congress covered up his secret, the media covered it is SO easy to deceive when the media has been co-opted (top person at each organization bought off by the govt), it's so easy to misrepresent yourself. Bush could claim to be a Buddhist and get away with it. But in fact he's a Luciferian. And yes he's using well-meaning Christians to strengthen his position of power. Americans are trusting, mostly, and they believe television. Which tells them the Bushes are Christian.

Alex Jones is still the best patriotic voice around when it comes to vigor and enthusiasm (you folks should go to and click on their feed. Jones broadcasts 3 hours a day, then they loop it until the next day). But I'm online right now so I can listen to Webster Tarpley. He refers to the Anglo-Israeli financial group as the root of the world's problems, and it's hard to find fault with his assertions. The Anglo-Israeli group takes in the queen and her extended family of European Nazis, the world's largest banks (Zurich, Manhattan, Rothschild areas), and the American traitors like the Rockefellers and Bushes. Tarpley is light years ahead of us yokels in TX. He speaks Latin and we can barely speak English. One of the more insightful analysts I've come across in a while.

You need speakers and a soundcard on the computer. I think he broadcasts on Saturdays, then they re-broadcast 9p.m. central time Sunday (5 minutes from now). Two-hour program.

Amarillo Slim said something like...You can shear a sheep many a time, but you can skin it only once.