The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95167   Message #1853232
Posted By: catspaw49
08-Oct-06 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Amish shooting When is it going to end?
Subject: RE: BS: Amish shooting When is it going to end?
Actually he IS an Old Guy trying to experience his lost youth by acting like a teenage boy. His body IS undergoing changes but they're different than the ones of his boyhood as now his nuts are smaller than a couple of dessicated peas and his pecker looks like a half-eaten cocktail weenie. It is this that has brought on his return-to-youth syndrome. Alas, the pathetic state of his genitals caused him to lose the love of his life, a long running and torrid affair with a Yak named Doris at his local zoo.
