The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1853359
Posted By: The Shambles
08-Oct-06 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
I'm sad that so many people are prepared to take such rigid positions on a subject of which they have no personal experience - except perhaps second hand through broadcast propaganda or published nonsense - when they are free to enter and explore for themselves.

Not everyone would wish to enter and explore and those that do wish to explore but get 'black-balled' are not free to enter.

If there are rigid positions taken based on little real information - I am not sure if the blame can entirely be placed on those that express such views.

If every aspect of Masonry were open to public view - some people would not assume the worst. When things are done in secret - the sensible assumption to make is that there is some good reason for this secrecy and exclusion. If there is not - then why does it exist?

Despite this - I feel that a lot of this is well-intentioned. However, I have a feeling that all such 'groups' that are historically seen to care for 'their own' in distress (like a church or religion) - just cause other exclusive 'groups' to be set up to care for those in distress who are excluded from the others.