The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1853507
Posted By: Alan Day
08-Oct-06 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
Interesting Shambles that you should mention that the Masonic doors are closed,up until recently you would have been right,there are now open days where you can visit lodges and discuss with a Mason those points you are interested in.From your apparant attitude however I doubt if you will take up the offer.In many ways the past attitude on Masons not to shout from the rooftops what they were doing has backfired on them.Their actions treated with suspicion,wild innacurate statements made in the press and by people ignorant people not knowing the facts.It is with that in mind Masonic leaders are trying to address the situation and make people aware of the tradition and good work that Masons do.I agree that any good minded person can do this without being a Mason and good for you if you are such a person and why not join us,enjoy the friendship of like minded people Worldwide.