The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94284   Message #1853695
Posted By: Merek'n'Dary
08-Oct-06 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: MudGather Banbury UK Oct 06
Subject: RE: MudGather Banbury UK Oct 06
Right - been looking at the thresds today and looks like I've to clear up some worries/confusions. First - Map. Following a call from Best Mate Richard (Yes sorry could not deal with it staight away cos I was trying to find my way across unknown territory in London to sign off the artwork for the festival programme), He said a lot of catters were having problems trying to find there way to the new campsite at Hanwell Fields because, being on a new housing estate, multi-map and streetmap have never heard of it. They have not even up-dated the town centre in Banbury which was re-built 7 years ago! No hope there! So, I have spent a whole day (sorry I lied - went out to meet friends for a drink about two hours) re-constructing the map I did for sending out to people who have bought tickets for the festival and my computer (or me) has lost in its wisdom (or not if it was me!). It is now done and hooray, I hear someone say, it is now on the Website. Not a brilliant re-production, but I am sure sufficiant for ya al' to read and know where you're going to camp.
Second concern I see is if you have to get a season or any other ticket to camp. Answer is a definate NO! Being festivalite's ourselves, we know how important it is to look after everyone whether they buy tickets to see the artists, or if they just want to come and fringe it. There is room for all. We believe that a festival makes a fringe and a fringe makes a festival! Finally, Smoking. We do not make the rules here. If the Catters, or MBS, want to impose a ban it is up to them. The same at the Festival venues, smoking, if it is banned, it is done by the venue management's themselves - not by us as Festival Organisers. Hope that settles all of the worries. If not, do not hesitate to contact us.