The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95379 Message #1854216
Posted By: GUEST
09-Oct-06 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Interview with Joanne Lees.Your thoughts
Subject: BS: Interview with Joanne Lees.Your thoughts
Just watched a B.B.C. interview with Joanne Lees, the British woman, notable for being the girlfriend of Peter Falconio, 28, at the time of his disappearance on a remote stretch of highway near Barrow Creek in outback Northern Territory, Australia on July 14, 2001.
I found the interview has not changed my mind that there is still something strange about the whole case. She admitted having an affair with another man while they were travelling in Austrailia. I think she knows more about this case than she cares to admit. She is now Writing her Book. What are your thoughts ?