The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95379   Message #1854301
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
09-Oct-06 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Interview with Joanne Lees.Your thoughts
Subject: RE: BS: Interview with Joanne Lees.Your thoughts
Potato Soup

2 lbns potatos
3 pits milk with a splash of milk in
handgful of porridge
large onion
a tablespopon of butter or something like that
A teasopoon of salt or so.

Chop up the poytatyoes as small as you reasonably can.

Cut up the onion small, and throw in the pot with the butter. Melt down and cook a few minutes - but don't start frying.

Add the milky water. As it boils add in the poridge and the potatoes and salt.

When it's boiled a few minutes stick an electric mixer in and whirr away till it's pretty smooth.

Keep on a lowish flame for maybe 20 minutes.

That's it. (You could chop up some watercress if you had some and put it in around the same time as the porridge. And maybe a couple of carrots chopped up small. Improves the look a bit, and the flavour.)