The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95379   Message #1854625
Posted By: Keef
10-Oct-06 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Interview with Joanne Lees.Your thoughts
Subject: RE: BS: Interview with Joanne Lees.Your thoughts
Mr Guest
If you had been paying attention you would have known that th "Cheeky Monkey" shirt was the only clean shirt in her backpack. The pigs had not given her any help in that area, and in fact not much help at all.
The killer Murdoch was found guilty due to very strong evidence.
The fact that she enjoyed a casual bonk with someone other than her boyfriend is irrelevant and nobody elses business.
You and your ilk are motivated by "scheudenfreud" go ahead and look it up (I've even bloody spelt it for you).