The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95280   Message #1854670
Posted By: GUEST,Kerux
10-Oct-06 - 03:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Freemasonry
Subject: RE: BS: Freemasonry
Sham, 282RA

I'm sorry that my views have put the two of you slightly at odds. I didn't mean to suggset that Sham is in some way a bad person, or to infer that Masonry would be a transforming expeience for everyone.

Its just that, in my case, Masonry was there for me at a time when I was perhaps ready to change. Others may derive the same kind of effect from yoga, martial arts, flower arranging or morris dancing.

However, having sampled the delights listed in the last sentence, as well as having been a Mason for many years, I have found that of all, Masonry worked best for me.