The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95367   Message #1854781
Posted By: GUEST,Penguin Egg
10-Oct-06 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: fRoots magazine
Subject: RE: fRoots magazine
Countess Richard, I would like to know what I have said that makes you think I am xenophobic? I like folk music. I don't like music from North Africa. I have nothing against North Africans and I have never said I did. I simply said I don't like their music, even if Martin Carthy does. I really dislike World Music because it is a label created by sanctimonious prigs who like to tell other people what sort of music they should listen to. Why the f**k should a British born Asian born in Bradford listen to British folk music if he doesn't want to?

World Music exists for all the wrong reasons. I can understand and relate to people the world over without having any appreciation of their culture. People are people and culture is irrelevant. How do you define English culture - Martin Carthy or Ossie Osbourne? Is Ossie Osbourne considered world music? Defendants of World Music very often come over like interferring school masters who are forever telling you what you should be reading, listening to, watching, in order to "improve" your mind, regardless of whether you actually enjoy any of their chosen selections. By the way, does anyone in North Africa listen to Martin Carthy - or is this an exclusive ring fenced area for white liberals to make themselves feel good in?